15 Sep FIVE joins the SBMC Consortium among major international players
FIVE (Fabbrica Italiana Veicoli Elettrici) enters SBMC along with Honda, KTM, Piaggio Group, Yamaha and other worldwide leaders of the motorcycle and L-Vehicle industry to develop a swappable battery standard
It was a natural choice from FIVE to join the Consortium, considering its devotion since the foundation to sustainability and energy-saving issues.
FIVE decided to join the SBMC Consortium to expand battery production not only for its own brands, but also for motorcycle OEM production.
In the last 4 years, FIVE produced more than 15.000 batteries for its Wayel and Italwin branded e-bikes. Now it is ready to transfer the know-how to e-motorcycle battery production.
Adopting a standard can foster the battery swap between mopeds and motorcycles of different manufacturers. This may also encourage electric vehicles usage and at the same time a more eco-friendly management of battery life-cycles in the transport sector.
SBMC (Swappable Batteries Motorcycle Consortium) aims for both the industry-wide standardization of swappable batteries and swapping systems, and the implementation of infrastructures for such batteries for common use, ensuring that motorcycles and L Vehicles maintain their role in future mobility.
Long-time advocated from FIVE, this revolution was initiated by global leaders during Spring 2022. Now, all the 2-wheels electric vehicles users will benefit from the supply increase and reduction of costs and charging times.
“To create a new standard for batteries, shared by most motorcycle brands, is the only way for customers to be more confident in e-scooters – says Fabio Giatti, FIVE CEO – and to ensure more safety and durability guarantee for vehicles”.
The current SBMC members are: AVL, Ciklo, FIVE, Forsee Power, Hioki, Honda, Hyba, JAMA, Kawasaki, KTM, KYMCO, Niu, Piaggio, Polaris, Roki, Samsung, Sinbon, Sumitomo Electric, Suzuki, Swobbee, Vitesco, VeNetWork, Yamaha