21 Apr FIVE is bringing to the North America market their ebikes Made In Italy
FIVE Srl, is an Italian emobility company selling electric cars, e-scooters, ebikes and is a manufacturer of ebike battery packs in Bologna, Italy. They have become the largest electric bicycle manufacturer in Italy. Their mid-price range ebikes are sold by a network of bike dealers throughout Europe. With distribution in Australia and South America. Today FIVE Srl is bringing to the North America market their Italian design, “Made In Italy”, ebikes to the consumers in America
Gary Fabris, the Export Manager of FIVE was asked these questions.
I see from your company profile that FIVE is a 100% Green company and is diversified with various green transportation technologies, what is the new thing happening at FIVE?
Gary: We built from the ground up a 100% Green ebike factory. It is a “Zero Energy Building” (ZEB) meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is equal to the amount of renewable energy created at our factory site. We do this with solar energy to power the factory and to return the excess energy back to the electric grid. Our water based painting lines not only reduces environmental pollution, we also recycle the heat generated in the paint drying rooms to heat the factory and the adjoining administrative offices during colder days.
It is unusual to find an Italian made ebike in the USA market that is made in Italy. What parts of the ebike is produced in Italy?
Gary: In the early days we experimented with importing ebikes made in China but we found the technology and the quality of the components was lacking and not up to European expectations. We could not find a manufacturer in China who could guarantee us almost zero defects. With quality in mind and building a better ebike, 4 years ago, we built the FIVE ebike factory in Bologna that now boasts a 70,000 square foot factory and warehouse building. It was a much larger manufacturing plant than what we needed at the time, but we are glad we did it in consideration of the recent boom in the ebike industry. Today we are lucky to have plenty of manufacturing capacity to keep up with the recent surge of ebike’s in the world markets. We design and produce our own bike frames in Italy and then we custom paint them with environmentally safe water based paints. We make all our battery packs with quality materials and use the best battery cells to increase the travel distance of the bike. We also put a lot of effort to find the perfect settings on our F90 center drive motors that is among the best in the industry for power, operations, and energy consumption.
What are you presently seeking to do in the North America market concerning the sales of your Italian made ebikes?
Gary: Since we are the newcomer to the USA and Canada markets, our first step is to find importers in key metropolitan cities or regions. We want to give them a territory for a specific area that they can service with inventory and repair parts. We already have our first importer in the USA who is covering the Washington D.C. area which is a huge biking city. DC has bike lanes that goes up the center of the streets all the way up to Capitol building and around DC. We started distribution also in Western Canada with an importer located in Vancover, a very ebike friendly city. We are looking for bike stores or business people who can import and distribute our bikes for their service area.
What should one do if they would like to sell the FIVE Italian ebikes in the USA or Canda?
We have a strong support system for our distributors. Not only we support them with factory direct technical help but we also have a USA Sales Agent who will help new distributors with shipping logistics, training, samples and promotional materials. We are seeking a win-win cooperation with our importers and distributors. Another key point is we provide all our distributors with free spare parts with each shipment so that you can support your customers with their repair and bike servicing needs.
What makes the FIVE ebike better than the other ebikes on the market?
Gary: The first thing is our obsession with quality. We want to make our ebike better but at the same time keeping the ebike at an affordable price to the consumer. It is important that the functions of the ebike are in tune with long and short distance biking. For example we only use the best gearing components, braking systems, motors and tires for a safe ebike experience.
We welcome your inquiry to partner up with us to sell the best Italian made ebikes in the USA and Canada market.
Please Contact:
Gary Fabris: export@fivebikes.it